Six Ways to Dispute Limiting Self Beliefs
Sufficient quality sleep is essential to replenishing, strengthening and boosting wellbeing. Obtaining adequate rest helps in chronic illness management.
Chronic illness can be a traumatic experience for many. It can often involve constant pain, crushing fatigue, dramatic deteriorations in physical capabilities and alterations to one’s physical appearance. These in turn can lead feelings of anxiety, sadness, despair and being invisible, as one mourns the loss of their former self. It is our belief through personal experience, years of study and working with other chronic illness sufferers, that these disempowered feelings can lead one to spiral down a hole, which is very difficult to get out of. We have been down that hole ourselves.
We are here to reassure you, and guide you through these feelings to a place where you are stronger. Whether you have a chronic or life-changing diagnosis or are taking care of someone who is ill, mindset is everything. You can’t control your diagnosis, but you can control how you manage it. We’re here to help.
Sufficient quality sleep is essential to replenishing, strengthening and boosting wellbeing. Obtaining adequate rest helps in chronic illness management.
Many of us are guided by our ideas of what life should be. Illness can be a great disruptor. Letting go of attachment is a step to deal with your diagnosis.
Finding the aspects of life to be grateful for is an extremely empowering exercise. With a minimal investment of a few minutes a day the benefits can be significant.
Are you too weak to continue going to work at the office? Working from home may be the best solution to help you keep income and save your resources.
Optimistic people cope better. However, feeling a lack of control due to chronic illness affects optimism. Identify your strengths can help you to boost optimism.
Surround yourself with those who have your best interest at heart. Cut out toxicity. Life is about you now. Your health and wellness are your top priority.
Catastrophic thinking results from seeing events in absolute terms. Such beliefs make physical and emotional challenges harder to overcome.
Life can focus only on chronic illness- defining who you are. Remembering you are more than your illness is the key to overcoming a disempowering narrative.
Management of a condition allows you to cultivate leadership skills like resilience, organization & planning. Translating into running a successful business.
Another emotional by-product of long-term illness is anxiety. Here we share tools and activities which can help you counteract and alleviate anxious feelings.
Avoiding excess, living with less, simplicity and prioritising quality over quantity are key options for anyone whose life has been overwhelmed by illness
Having a role model can be especially healthy during difficult life periods, as we emulate how we imagine them responding to a similar challenge.
Sufficient quality sleep is essential to replenishing, strengthening and boosting wellbeing. Obtaining adequate rest helps in chronic illness management.
Life with chronic illness can be a chance to make and meet new goals. It is possible to find optimism, look forward and feel good about what you see.
Research has shown that savouring can enhance emotional wellbeing and have an impact on physical health, linking mental health with chronic illness.
We explore how to cope with anxiety and help you come to terms with your financial health, too. Perhaps there are options which you’ve not considered.
Whatever your illness management goals, you will want to focus on the factors you can control, concentrating on your emotional and physical fitness.
Just because an individual has limits, they possess skills,. Motivated employees will put in more effort to their work, even with a chronic illness.
Your support system needs to be healthy-minded and able to manage their emotions. Healthy people stick together and help each other get healthy.
Expect the unexpected. Several ways to be prepared for the bumpy road that is a chronic illness.
The relationship between physical wellness and emotional health. How ill health can cause psychological problems and vice versa.
Goal setting is an effective way to regain focus, keep you motivated and help you grow even as other areas of your life are limited by illness.
Good sleep can boost your well-being. Here we give you 7 strategies to improve your sleep.
One way to achieve a healthier mindset is to avoid feeling depressed. Depression can elicit uncomfortable emotions and have a negative impact on your health.
The loss of confidence with chronic illness impacts wellbeing as we withdraw from the outside world, feel a loss of control, as well as anxiety and depression.
One way to achieve a healthier mindset is to avoid feeling triggered. Triggers can elicit uncomfortable emotions and have a negative impact on your health.
We discuss how to have control over your self-perception, allowing you to feel empowered and improve how others perceive you.
We discuss how to maintain your work responsibilities while managing your health.
We discuss the benefits and different ways to find support, support yourself and support others with chronic illness.
Narrative is the story you create about yourself. So having a positive story, will help you better manage your condition.
Accepting feelings of frustration & creating a toolbox of coping skills means that there are ways to cope and maybe use it to your advantage.
We’ve discovered ways to cope with the confidence loss you may experience while coping with a chronic condition.
Even at the best of times, many of us have this fear that we have been left behind. However chronic illness is a major disruptor. It can impede every area of life. Adding to that, what makes it tougher is when you begin to look around at everyone you know who suddenly seems to be where you think you should be, living the life you wish to live and accomplishing the things you thought you would achieve. This can lead you to feel anxious, depressed, stressed or angry. Chronic illness restricts what you can do about it. If you were in perfect health, maybe you could accomplish all the things. Let’s focus on some ways to get out of comparison mode, reframe the situation and start acting on what you are still able to control.
Among many other self-management changes, patient education can alleviate these feelings of uncertainty. Finding out additional information helps us know more about our diagnosis, and consequently what to expect. Once we are armed with enough information, we know more about what is required to best self-manage.
Post-traumatic growth can happen in a variety of ways. How it happens depends very much on your motivations, as well as the nature of your condition. Illness may lead the way to opportunity as each of us possess the capacity to grow in some way from our illnesses or other traumas. We would prefer to not have those types of opportunities. Here are seven examples of how you may experience post-traumatic growth because of illness.
Some employers may be understanding of your diagnosis and modify, while others will move on. Here are ways to keep the income flowing while coping.
Intense pain can also cause depression, anger, anxiety, and fear, disrupting your career, hobbies, and social life. We discovered ways to help you cope.
We’ve discovered ways to navigate fatigue and feel more positive, thus boosting optimism and energy levels in the process.
Chronically ill experience vulnerability:physical, social, financial, or psychological. Ways to accept, maximise, and use vulnerability to build resilience.
Managing an illness brings with it a whole range of new responsibilities. As such, you’ll need to strategically approach the management of your life.
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