Amy's Illness Journey

I am a Creative Consultant and Designer who has battled a chronic medical condition for more than half my life. I am passionate about increasing awareness and acceptance of invisible disabilities. 

My illness journey began in the late 1990s. Having finished college and ready to embark on a career in the Fashion Industry, I started the first day of my dream job falling asleep without even knowing it. Up until this point I had the stamina of a typical 20 year-old, but my ability to stay awake had significantly changed from my college years.

I spent the next decade going from doctor to doctor, specialist after specialist looking for a diagnosis. Because of my age, weight and lack of funds, it was a nearly impossible feat to get an official diagnosis. Countless hours were wasted along with a significant amount being spent.

Along the way my work life was significantly compromised, and many relationships suffered. My self esteem was greatly affected. I was gaining weight, felt tired all the time, and struggled to perform on the job. These were not very happy times.


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