Six Ways to Dispute Limiting Self Beliefs

Sufficient quality sleep is essential to replenishing, strengthening and boosting wellbeing. Obtaining adequate rest helps in chronic illness management.
Chronic Illness and Letting Go

Many of us are guided by our ideas of what life should be. Illness can be a great disruptor. Letting go of attachment is a step to deal with your diagnosis.
The Benefits of Gratitude

Finding the aspects of life to be grateful for is an extremely empowering exercise. With a minimal investment of a few minutes a day the benefits can be significant.
Chronic Illness and Looking Forward

Life with chronic illness can be a chance to make and meet new goals. It is possible to find optimism, look forward and feel good about what you see.
Chronic Illness and Living Your Best Life

Research has shown that savouring can enhance emotional wellbeing and have an impact on physical health, linking mental health with chronic illness.
10 Factors Linked to Health Improvements

Whatever your illness management goals, you will want to focus on the factors you can control, concentrating on your emotional and physical fitness.
How to Support Your Employee’s Chronic Illness

Just because an individual has limits, they possess skills,. Motivated employees will put in more effort to their work, even with a chronic illness.
Coaching Illness and Goal Setting: SMART

Goal setting is an effective way to regain focus, keep you motivated and help you grow even as other areas of your life are limited by illness.
Coaching Illness and Depression: 9 Step Approach

One way to achieve a healthier mindset is to avoid feeling depressed. Depression can elicit uncomfortable emotions and have a negative impact on your health.
Coaching Illness and Reconstruction: Body Language

We discuss how to have control over your self-perception, allowing you to feel empowered and improve how others perceive you.