Coaching Illness and Chronic Pain

Intense pain can also cause depression, anger, anxiety, and fear, disrupting your career, hobbies, and social life. We discovered ways to help you cope.
Coaching Illness and Vulnerability: Positive Psychology

Chronically ill experience vulnerability:physical, social, financial, or psychological. Ways to accept, maximise, and use vulnerability to build resilience.
Coaching Illness and Self Management: Coping

Managing an illness brings with it a whole range of new responsibilities. As such, you’ll need to strategically approach the management of your life.
Coaching Illness and Covid: Adapt

Coaching Illness and Covid 7 Ways to Adapt Although change is constant, not everyone is prepared. Learning how to adapt is a vital component in maintaining one’s emotional wellbeing through turbulent periods Even as things seemingly transition back to normal in the post lockdown world, some changes may remain permanent. This could include more people […]
Coaching Illness and Covid: Shifts

Coaching Illness and Covid 7 Value Shifts Caused by the Pandemic Life has changed for most of us as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Even as some aspects of life seem to go back to normal, other things may remain permanent. Many of us have lost jobs and income. Some of our favourite […]
Coaching Illness and Covid: Wellbeing

Coaching Illness and Covid 7 Suggestions for Emotional Wellbeing Life has changed for most of us as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Even as some aspects of life seem to go back to normal, other things may remain permanent. Many of us have lost jobs and income. Some of our favourite shopping and […]
Coaching Illness and Goal Setting

Coaching Illness and Goal Setting 7 Benefits of Setting SMART Goals Living with a chronic illness hardly seems like the time to tackle life’s big challenges. At the best of times, you’re still sick. The additional burden of facing the physical and emotional challenges that come with chronic illness make achieving anything seem unrealistic. Operating […]
Coaching Illness and Motivation

Coaching Illness and Motivation 5 Needs to consider The emotional impact of chronic illness is one of the worst parts of it. Letting the wrong type of thoughts enter your mind can trigger a downward spiral which can be very hard for you to get out of. Some of us may think that our life […]
Illness and Empowerment

Illness and Empowerment People who are battling a chronic illness can often feel disempowered. Many long-term conditions can rob a person’s sense of authority, control or influence, making them feel weak, ineffectual and marginalised. Perhaps you have experienced something similar? Maybe you once enjoyed a more dynamic life: pursuing a dream career, engaging […]
Chronic Pain Management

Coping with Chronic Pain Chronic pain is a huge part of a wide variety of illness conditions. Chronic pain is defined as pain that is ongoing and usually lasts longer than six months. This type of pain can continue even after the injury or illness that caused it has healed or gone away. Pain signals […]